Thursday, April 26, 2012

update April 25, 2012

Ajay is moving along, although at a very slow rate, he is making small baby steps of improvements. He has tolerated feeds, thru his intestines, without vomitting. He has been tolerating the small weans from bipap, and has been able to tolerate weans from sedation and medication. Although uneventful in the last 24 hours, Ajay is in charge as usual :) and we will continue to pray he can make these small changes in order to get stronger. We have a long way to go, but we are definitely moving in the right direction.


  1. We will continue to pray with you! May these baby steps of improvement add up to big leaps to healing!!!!! Praying each day brings more and more healing, and that you will be so aware of His presence with you!

  2. Thank you, God, for the hope provided by witnessing Ajay's journey.
